Frequently Asked Questions About Soaps N Dash
When do you offer pickup and delivery?
Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
What is the turnaround time?
24 hour turnaround (If you schedule a pickup on Friday your clothes will be returned on Monday)
How much does pickup and delivery cost?
$1.89/lbs. for recurring service. $1.99 for as needed service.
Is there a minimum order?
Yes, $30
Will my clothes be delivered before payment is complete?
No, completed orders will not be returned unless we receive payment. Clean clothes that have not been paid for will remain in our possession unless paid for.
What if I can't be home when you pickup?
Tell us in the software where you will leave your clothes. It might be on the front porch, on the back porch, behind the fence, by the apartment door, in the lobby, with the apartment manager, or in an unlocked garage.
If I sign up to be a recurring customer, what happens when I go on vacation?
Just put a hold on your account on our website. We'll be back on the date you tell us.
Do I have to sign a contract?
No, there are no contracts. You can use this service as needed or schedule a recurring pickup that can be ended at any time with no fees!